Please Support Us!
The children are able to be cared for thanks to the generosity of benefactors. Donations to The Anita Goulden Trust have purchased equipment, operations and maintain running costs. As many of the children and young people have special needs, they require 24-7 care, medical treatment and special education. And many have emotional scars, which trained psychologists help them to cope with. Please help us to continue caring for the forgotten.
If you are interested in visiting the Home or volunteering for us, please contact David Thomas on or at the following address:
38, Queen’s Gate Terrace, London, SW7 5PH, UK
One-Time Donation
With JustGiving we’ve made it easy for you to make a donation. You can opt to give £5, £10, £15 or any amount of your choosing. Simply click on the Just Giving button below to begin. This button will take you to a different, secure, site.
Alternatively, if you wish to make a donation by cheque, please click on the relevant button, below.
Standing Order
If you would like to make a regular non-committal donation to the Anita Goulden Trust then you might consider a standing order instead. This can be any amount from only a few pounds per month.
The link below takes you to a form that you can use to instruct your bank or building society. Please remember to send a copy of the form to the email or postal address above.
'Gift-Aid' It
If you ‘Gift-Aid’ it, for every £1 you give, the Government will give us an extra 25p. The scheme applies to all donations, whether large, small, regular or one-off. If you are a taxpayer and resident in the UK it is possible for the Trust to collect tax relief on your donation. If you wish to make a contribution eligible for Gift Aid please click on the link below, print and complete the form and return it to the address stated above.
We benefit greatly from legacies so do consider mentioning the Trust when you make or update your Will.