News from Piura

Since our last blog post, the new Committee in Piura, headed by Sra. Carmen Olga Palma, has completed all the bureaucratic steps required to assume their positions, and is now fully operational. The Home has benefited from some new investment. A group of donors in...

Changes in the Local Committee

We learned recently that, after several years as Chair of the charitable association that oversees the Hogar Anita Goulden, Luciana Ceccovilli will be resigning, due to moving from Piura to Lima for professional reasons. Luciana’s efforts have left the Home in a...

Hugo Goodson’s Blog

After all the archaeology, it was nice to have something a little different and so I jumped on two planes up to Piura in the north of Peru, a town which is not a huge distance from Ecuador. I was there to visit the Anita Goulden Home which is one of the seven...

Thanks from the Home

Dear Donors: On behalf of the children from Anita Goulden Home in Piura, Peru we express our deep gratitude for your generous donations. We have children suffering cerebral palsy on different degrees who came from homes with extreme poverty from different places in...
Seven Months in Piura by Ev Marie Zeeb

Seven Months in Piura by Ev Marie Zeeb

I was 19 years old and was just about to finish school and like so many I had little idea what I wanted to do next. I did not want to study immediately and therefore I looked for an alternative. Driven by the stories of my friends and acquaintances who had tried it...